
SEO Audit

Your business depends on a strong online presence, and your website is a key component. If your site isn’t generating the traffic, leads, and conversions you were expecting, Page One Digital’s SEO Audit can provide actionable insights into the barriers to your website success.


Do I Need to Audit My Website?

Every website should have an annual SEO analysis to ensure you’re keeping up with ever-changing SEO best practices.

If you’re looking for signs that point to needing an SEO audit, these are definite indicators:

  • Website falling in search rankings
  • Minimal or decreasing site traffic
  • High bounce rate
  • Low conversion rate
  • Difficulty ranking for relevant search terms
  • Site isn’t generating quality leads

If anything mentioned above seems like a foreign language to you, we highly suggest you pursue an audit to ensure you are getting the most out of your website. Our SEO Audit will identify foundational SEO issues — both on-page and off-page — that are affecting the overall performance of your website.


What’s Included in an SEO Audit?

We’ll conduct a thorough website analysis to examine a wide range of behind-the-scenes factors that can affect your site's performance and ranking. For each element of the audit, we explain what we find and, if an issue is found, what action is required to fix it. We look at both content and technical SEO factors and other elements that directly affect how your website is working.

Content SEO Website Analysis Includes

Review of each page on your site to see if the content meets today’s best practices for high-quality websites. Again, we will explain what we find and make recommendations for improvement.

Technical SEO Website Analysis includes

Site Crawlability

A web page must be able to be crawled to be added to the search index.

Page Redirects

Redirects ensure that users don’t land on broken or duplicated pages.

Core Web Vitals

Google Core Web Vitals  give you an idea of user experience on your website.

Page Load Time

Users expect web pages to load in 1–4 seconds. Beyond that, the site visit may be abandoned.

Mobile Site Performance

Now more than ever, people are using their mobile devices to view the internet. Mobile versions of websites must not only load quickly, but they also must be easy to navigate.

Internal Linking

Internal site links help users find what they are looking for on your website, but more importantly, they signal to Google what the pages are about and which are most valuable to users.


A sitemap informs search engines about the importance of the pages on your website and that they should be indexed.

Plus Many More Performance Metrics

Other metrics we’ll review provide valuable information, such as how users behave on specific pages.


Expert SEO Services

Once your SEO Audit is complete, Page One Digital will review the findings with you so that you have a deeper understanding of any issues with your website and our proposed solutions. At that point, you can move forward on the fixes with our support or take the findings and work with your internal web development team on solutions.

If you choose to move forward with Page One Digital’s SEO help, we will break down the costs associated with the necessary solutions to help determine if your current site should be updated or if it’s more cost-effective to launch a new website.

Complete the form below to request a consultation.


Expert SEO Services

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